Sunday, October 24, 2010

Rachel Brimble

What is your favorite thing about being a romance writer?

Everything! I seriously love every part of it. The planning, the writing, the editing, receiving the cover art, everything. I dream of being able to earn enough to write full time because I really don’t want to do anything else.

I have a wonderful family around me, friends too, and their support and belief me is all the motivation I need. I have my wonderful husband to drag me away from the laptop when my eyes start to cross and put a crisp, chilled glass of Sauvignon Blanc in my hand. What more could a lady ask for? So with a successful writing career added to the mix, I will be in heaven.

Are you a plotter or a pantser?
A plotter – an idea usually comes to me through a character. I tend to hear either the hero or heroine speaking in my mind and then I spend the next few weeks listening until I figure out, firstly where their story belongs – i.e: contemporary or historical, suspense or comedy, traditional or erotic…

Once I have that sorted in my mind, I have a rough premise of the story and then I will sit down to start the painful process of writing a two or three page synopsis.

With that done, I break down the chapters and then the writing begins – but things always, always change so there is a definite bit of a pantser in me too!

Do you write under more than one name? Why?
I do. My mainstream/category romance, both contemporary and historical are written under my real name, Rachel Brimble but my erotic romance is written under the pseudonym of Rachel Leigh.

I did this for two reasons – firstly, my daughters are at the age they are starting to be interested in what I write and asking when they can read it. My Rachel Brimble novels are often rated as ‘spicy’ on my publishers’ websites so it is bad enough they are asking questions about these books but if they were to find out about the Rachel Leigh books? Well, now…

And secondly, I wanted the two to be marketed separately so that my Rachel Brimble readers know what the sensuality level will be between the pages as will my Rachel Leigh readers. But of course, ideally, I’d like my readers to buy and enjoy both…hint, hint!

Describe to us your typical day
I usually wake at seven am and get my daughters up and ready for school. Once I have dropped them off, I rush home and take the dog out for a walk before squeezing in half an hour on the laptop. This half an hour usually entails answering emails or if it’s a Tuesday or Thursday, I use this time to upload my guest authors’ blog posts.

Then it’s a quick change of clothes and off to work from 10am to 2.30pm – then back to school to pick the kids up and then home.

Now, this is where I can either be good or naughty – do I get on with the pile of ironing, cleaning and chores I need to get done or do I grab a couple of hours on the laptop while ignoring all that and the kids?? Mmm, no comment.

Do you work on one project at a time? Or do you multi-task?
The rule of thumb I try to live by is one Rachel Brimble project and one Rachel Leigh going on at any one time. That way I can flit between the two, depending what kind of mood I’m in.

I really enjoy this method and hope it shows in the finished results that I never become the slightest bit bored with what I’m writing – it keeps my mind alert and fresh and hopefully the same goes for the readers’.

Future Projects/Upcoming Releases

Rachel Brimble – My next release is likely to be from The Wild Rose Press and it is my first novella-length story entitled Transatlantic Loving. I am so excited to have signed the contract on this one! It is part of a new series from The Wild Rose Press, called the Class of ’85.

It is a series set in the town of Summerville and each story revolves around characters who are invited to attend the high school reunion. The first book was released August 11th but my date has yet to be confirmed. I will update my website as soon as I know.

My next novel is due out January 2011, a contemporary romance about second chances entitled Getting It Right This Time with Lyrical Press.

Rachel Leigh – a short story called Explicitly English contracted once again with The Wild Rose Press. This is my first erotic romance and I am excited beyond belief! Still waiting a release date on this one too but I really hope it will be available soon.

What’s a guilty pleasure you have?
With the risk of being judged as the worst mother in the world – there is nothing I like more than paying my daughters’ to rub my feet while I sit back enjoying a glass of wine and catching up on my favourite US dramas! (I know, I know – terrible, terrible mother!)

Which is sexier? Boxers or briefs?
Boxers every time for me!

Who’s more fun, bad boys or perfect gentlemen and why?
Mmm, perfect gentlemen – bad boys are out there for everyone to see, but a perfect gentleman is like a Christmas present. Surely there is nothing sexier that drawing open the ribbon and slowly peeling back the paper until you find the raw, hot-blooded male who will take you when he wants, how he wants, make you scream out his name while…ahem…yes, perfect gentlemen are my thing!

If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would be the most essential for you?
A copy of Gone With The Wind – only book I have read more than three times!
Pair of tweezers – don’t ask!
Pen and paper (is that four??)

What’s the number one on your list of things you hope to do before you die?
Make a comfortable living as a romance novelist!

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