Monday, January 30, 2012

Keta Diablo

Dark Night of the Moon is a paranormal Wolf Shifter and the sequel to Holding on to Heaven.

Creed Gatlin flees to Arizona intent on eradicating the haunting memories of his brother’s wife. Brand Gatlin, presumed dead, resurfaces after a long absence and with his re-emergence, the destinies of those he loves is altered forever.

In a land rife with war and danger, Sage must travel to the village of her husband’s People. There, she is reunited with Crooked Back, the ancient healer. On the long trek back to Full Circle, devious plots are underfoot and peril lurks around every corner for Sage, Lauren and Peter Pa.

Dark Night of the Moon will take you on an unforgettable journey of war, violence, overwhelming grief, and finally, love.

What is your favorite thing about being a romance writer?

Most definitely the freedom that comes with working at home. That's not to say authors don't have to be disciplined. If we don't write, we don't sell. I love the idea of not having to out in the cold or the rain if I don't want to. Heck, I don't have to even get dressed. I do, however, have to make my daily word count. If I want to take a break or go for a walk, I can do that too. It's a great profession.
What genres and authors would we find you reading when taking a break from your own writing?
Many different authors and books. Right now I'm reading Sea Witch by Helen Hollick, a wonderful writer. This is a swashbuckling pirate book! I'm also into YA these days like everyone else but it has to really catch my interest right away. It seems like many of the YA have the same plot, i.e. girl goes away to boarding school or high school and strange things happen or she meets a boy with paranormal abilities. I'd like to see something really different. Oh, and I loved Hunger Games! I just finished Daughter of Smoke and Bone and enjoyed really that. I tend to like the paranormal books with characters based on old myths or folklore, Norse, Wales, Scotland, that setting. If all else fails, I select a good old historical, not Regency, but something by Helen Kirkman or Medieval era.
Are you a plotter or a pantser?

I guess both, but not on paper. I don't do outlines or note cards. I've tried both and they doesn't work for me. Maybe an idea will germinate and I'll either forget about the idea or it nags me. If its still there two days later, I start thinking about characters, story line and where this could be headed. Again, at this point I don't write anything down; it's all in my head. Then I wait and see how my thoughts and ideas progress. Once I have it mostly written in my head, I'll jot down some notes about scenes or character traits. Several of my books have come from dreams and two from people-watching.
What do you hope readers take with them after reading one of your stories?
I hope while they're reading they have an outlet for escape. We all want readers to be engrossed in our books not struggle through them. When they're done with the book, it's wonderful if they're still thinking about the characters or the book long after they put it down. That's a high aspiration for authors and the highest compliment. We read to escape our busy or mundane lives. I think we want to visit another place, another time and look into the lives of others. In a way, reading a book is similar to voyeurism because we're opening doors to people's lives and peering in.
Describe to us you typical day
Oh, boy, there is no typical day for me. I'm a night owl and was long before I became a writer. It's my natural bio-rhythm. I write a lot at night, sleep in the morning and begin writing in the afternoon. I know, it's a bad habit, but seems natural to me. I'm not a morning person, and I'm sure my brain will agree. I'm sharpest at night, and Good knows, I need my wits about me when I write. I can't have distractions, music or television. I like it quiet so I can think.
How do you come up with the titles?
I'm asked this often. I never choose a title without a story in my head. I might not have written the book yet on paper, but it's up here (Keta raps her noggin). About halfway through the story the title usually comes to me. Almost always the title comes from an incident or a scene in the book. With Dark Night of the Moon, I thought of the title when tragedy came to the Native American people. I don't have information that any tribe or band used that term, but it sounds to me like something they might have thought--when something bad happens, they would say the Dark Night came or we have seen the Dark Night of the Moon. Titles have never been difficult for me, but I admit, some of mine are unusual.

What song would best describe your life?Highway to Hell - no, just kidding; that's the first song that came to mind. Hmmm, wonder why?
If you could be a paranormal creature, which one would you be?Creature? If I could have a paranormal ability it would definitely be time travel. I'd love to visit (visit being the key word here) early Scotland and Ireland. lol -- I want to see how those men really looked in kilts.
What’s the perfect romantic evening?Dinner and a movie and after that I say, "That's personal!" lol.
If you came with a warning label, what would it say?
Mouthy broad at times and "No Snorebucket Found Here." I keep things lively.
Who’s more fun, bad boys or perfect gentlemen and why?
You've got to be kidding me! Bad, double bad boys. I'm not even sure I've ever gone out with a perfect gentleman. If I did it was a blind date, and an ONLY ONCE blind date.
If you could have three wishes granted, what would you wish for?Abolish all nuclear and chemical weapons, and thereby fear.
No kids go to bed hungry . . . EVER.
Set aside a very special place in Hell for those who abuse animals.
*Please share with us your future projects and upcoming releases.

Thank you so much for asking. I've started the first book in the Lone Star Series about the Bannister brothers -- five, hunky, hot Bannister brothers. The setting is mid 1800's Texas Ranger, of course. I do have the titles for three of the books, but that's because I have the stories outlined in my head. I've really enjoyed writing the first book, and I'm hoping for five eventually. These are erotic romance cowboy style -- when men were men and the women who loved them were NOT cupcakes. Stay tuned!
Please share any links you would like listed in the Interview. Website, Myspace, blog, facebook, yahoo group etc.

Keta's Bio:
Keta is a multi-published author of paranormal and historical romance and gay fiction. In 2009, her erotic romance Decadent Deceptions was a finalist in the RWA Molly contest. In 2010, Keta's entry Phoenix Rising finaled in the Scarlet Boa contest and in 2011 Keta's acclaimed paranormal shifter, Where The Rain is Made, was nominated by Authors After Dark for a Bookie Awardand by Deep In The Heart of Romance for Best Romance of the Year.
Many of her books, including her gay fiction series CROSSROADS, have won numerous awards: Top Reviewer's Pick, Recommended Read and Best Book of the Month.
If you'd like to know more about Keta and her latest releases, she haunts the Net here:

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Mary Manners

I am working on a Christmas story (that’s right…Christmas)! Quinn Sanders is a single mom down on her luck, waitressing at an all-night diner when youth pastor Jason Graves comes in looking for a hot cup of coffee and some peace and quiet. You can imagine, with Quinn involved…what he finds is anything but peace and quiet. Also, Wisdom Tree, the love story of Pastor Jake Samuels and teacher Carin O’Malley is coming in the fall, 2012. Trust me…you won’t want to miss that one!

*Are you a plotter or a pantser?
I am a pantser by nature. I get an idea—sometimes only a feeling—and I just run with it. I actually dreamed the entire Sweet Treats Bakery Series, and when I woke up I had to hurry and write everything down. It was the coolest thing. My husband has given up on trying to figure out how my brain works.

*If I was a first time reader of your books, which one would you recommend I start with and why?
 I’d recommend Tender Mercies. . Tender Mercies is a favorite because it’s about a football player, Cooper Jackson. My husband loves football and you could say I’m…um…less than thrilled with it. But one day when I was sitting on the couch, my eyes blurring over from watching the hundred-millionth play that looked the same as all the others that came before it, I wondered what it would be like to write a book about a former University of Tennessee quarterback who goes on to win an NFL Super Bowl for the Jacksonville Jaguars (yeah…it’s a fantasy). He’s kind of a jerk at the beginning and breaks high-school sweetheart Lexi Taylor’s heart, but he’s redeemed and ends up a pretty nice guy. It’s very cool, and who doesn’t love a quarterback?

*How long have you been a writer? 
I have felt like a writer since I was old enough to scribble a pencil across paper. I think I was born with a pencil in my hand! But, I guess I knew I was ‘different’ when all my friends wanted to go out on Friday night and I preferred to stay in and write. I finished my first full-length novel in the sixth grade (it’s morphed somewhat over the years, but will be published this fall by White Rose Publishing under the title Wisdom Tree) and I have never looked back. I am so thankful to the wonderful teachers I had through middle and high school who encouraged my writing. In fact, Wisdom Tree is dedicated to them.

*What books or authors have most influenced your life?
 Definitely Nora Roberts. I love writing family stories, and she’s got the best friend/family thing going on. I also like Beverly Lewis. She embodies the sensual…building romance with intrigue and the slightest nod or skim of a gloved finger. It’s amazing and beautiful. And I read The Outsiders when I was in the seventh grade. One of my sister’s friends gave me her copy because she just couldn’t ‘get into it’. Oh, man, that book was like gold to me. I absolutely fell in love with the characters!

*If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything on your road to publication?
I would change absolutely nothing. God knew what was best for me, and I truly believe He had a hand in my whole journey to publication. His timing has been perfect, and I could not have asked for a better editor (Nicola Martinez) or publishing company (Pelican Book Group) to work with. They are absolutely, positively amazing and wonderful!

*Where are you from?
I grew up in Chicago, but I have lived in Seymour, TN for almost thirty years. I love the diversity of the two places, and several of my stories incorporate both Knoxville and Chicago in some way. It’s great to have knowledge of both a big city and a smaller town. I love the mountains and rivers of East Tennessee, but enjoy the faster pace of Chicago from time to time.

*What sound drives you crazy?
 Nails on a chalkboard. And, believe me, after 26 years of teaching middle school kids, I’ve heard my fair share of that…arghhh!

*If you were a tool, what would people use you for?
I am the square peg that can fir into a round hole!

*If you came with a warning label, what would it say?
Constant Supervision Required.

*What’s for dinner tonight?
I love canned asparagus. I could live on the stuff! My mom gave me Beverly Lewis’s Amish cookbook for Christmas and my daughter and I have had so much fun trying out the recipes. Beverly really knows good food! Chicken casserole, meatloaf, elegant chicken, apple crisp and quiche…yum! My least favorite food is shrimp. Yuck and double yuck. It would NOT be on the menu. My husband thinks I’m nuts, because he loves them. But there’s just something about eating beady-eyed wormy things with little legs that really grosses me out.

*Who’s more fun, bad boys or perfect gentlemen and why?
Of course, bad boys! But, I have to say my husband is a perfect blend of both. He’s a bad boy who’s been redeemed…but a strong sense of adventure still lurks behind his baby blues.

*What is your favorite candy bar?
Forget the candy bars…just give me a bag of dark chocolate-covered raisins and I’m good for the duration!

Facebook: marymanners,author

Twitter: @marymanners1

Pelican Book Group Author Page:

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Diana Bold

What is your favorite thing about being a romance writer?
I love that I get to spend my days building stories with happily ever afters. I truly believe that true love is out there, and there's someone for everyone, and that love can heal any wound. I hope when people read my books they put them down with a smile and a little hope.

If I was a first time reader of your books, which one would you recommend I start with and why?
I think HALCYON RISING is my best book so far. I say this because it's my most recent, and I think I definitely learn and grow with each book, and also because I was going through a tough time in my life when I wrote it, and I think that emotion shows in my writing. It's a little different from my previous books, because it has a fantasy element. I became fascinated by the story of Atlantis, and the thought of ancient civilizations. What would happen if one of them had survived and flourished through the Dark Ages, and what would happen if my civilized heroine was captured by my very medieval knight?

How long have you been a writer? 
I've been a writer since I was old enough to grasp a pen. When I was seven years old, I won fifty dollars in a writing contest, and I was hooked! The idea that you could make money with your imagination was very appealing to me. Unfortunately, that fifty dollars was only money I made during the next 29 years. LOL My path to publication was a long, hard road. Turns out I was not the prodigy I thought. But I don't have it in me to give up, and when I did finally get published, I had a whole drawer of finished manuscripts, so the sales piled up. I can't imagine doing anything else.

Did you have any other careers before devoting yourself to being a full-time writer?
As I mentioned before, my road to publication was rocky. I worked a variety of jobs during my twenties, always certain that they were just temporary stops on my way to being a rich and famous author. When I hit thirty and still hadn't sold a book, I decided I might need a fallback plan, so I spent the next ten years as a 911 police dispatcher. I absolutely loved that job - the adrenaline rush, the knowledge that I was actually helping people, the camaraderie and strangeness of my relationships with my coworkers. I probably never would have quit, even after I started making decent money with my writing, if the city government hadn't decided we should do twice the work for half the money. LOL I took that as a sign that I was meant to pursue my writing career full time and have never looked back.

Describe to us you typical day -
I wake up about eight in the morning, have breakfast, walk on the treadmill for about 45 minutes, and then head to my office. I spend an hour catching up on emails and Facebook, and then another hour doing marketing and publicity stuff. Then I spend the next hour writing on my current WIP. Then I have lunch. After lunch, I work on freelance editing or ghost writing projects for two hours, then write another hour on my WIP and call it a day. I do this Monday through Friday. Or at least that's the plan. Sometimes life gets in the way, but the great thing about working for yourself is that when it does, you have some flexibility.

If you came with a warning label, what would it say?
Do not try to engage in conversation within one hour of waking. In fact, don't even look in my direction.

What’s number one on your list of things you hope to do before you die?
Visit at least ten countries. So far, I haven't left the United States, but I'm hoping to change that in the near future. Of course, my fear of flying makes it a little difficult. Is there enough Xanex in the world to get me through a plane ride to Europe? I guess we'll see.

I am currently working on a Victorian Trilogy I'm calling my "Victorian Spiderman" books. LOL I'm not very good at describing works in progress, but my heroes are three brothers who successively take up the guise of a masked avenger who prowls bordellos and rescues young women and children pressed into prostitution. I like the idea of a superhero who has no actual superpowers, just gadgets and his wits. I also like the idea of a man living a double life - a highborn wastrel during the day, and a champion of those less fortunate by night. I hope to have book one finished within the next few months.

You can check me out on Facebook, and read excerpts of all my books at