What is your favorite thing about being a romance writer?
I love making happy
endings. Those are the best parts of reading romances for me, so being able to
craft my own for my characters makes it worth it.
When writing your description of your hero/ine what feature
do you start with? Eyes, age, hair color, etc?
I have a spreadsheet
with this LOL. I usually start with the hair color and then the eyes. The age
comes with it around the same time. This is usually my favorite part of
plotting LOL.
Are you a plotter or a pantser?
I’m a scary plotter! I
have spreadsheets of my spreadsheets and outlines of my outlines. My creativity
flows through these much better so I can write quickly when I have time LOL.
But I don’t lock myself in them. If I need to change. Then I do!
If I was a first time reader of your books, which one would
you recommend I start with and why?
An Alpha’s Path is the
first book in the Redwood Pack series, so I would start with that one! LOL.
Soon I’ll have more than one series out, so you’ll get a choice of series.
What do you hope readers take with them after reading one of
your stories?
I want my readers to
fall for my characters as much as I do. You have no idea what it feels like to
have a reader email you and beg you to make Adam happy. Or to ask when Maddox
and North will get their happy endings. I love it.
What is the last thing you do before turning off the lights
at bedtime?
Check to make sure the
closets are closed! Yep. I’m still afraid of the dark! LOL
If you could be a paranormal creature, which one would you
It’s a toss-up between
a wolf and an angel. I love wolves—hence I write about them! But I would love
to fly as well. My cp Lia and I were tossing around writing an angelic wolf
What’s a guilty pleasure you have?
Reading. Honestly.
It’s an addiction. I read 1007 books in 2011. Yep.
You can erase one embarrassing experience from your past.
What will it be?
Falling in front of
the entire airport when I was 14. I tripped over a stupid rolling back and flew
out of the gate. This was before 9/11 so everyone was still at the gate
welcoming me and some stranger yelled “Welcome to Oregon.” Yeah. I’d like that
to go away. Like now.
If you came with a warning label, what would it say?
Danger: Small blonde
package contains too much energy and is likely to combust and be sarcastic.
Her first book, An Alpha's Path, is the first
in her Redwood Pack series. She's also an avid reader and lover of romance and
fiction novels. She loves meeting new authors and new worlds.
Any recommendations you have are appreciated. Carrie Ann lives in New
England with her husband and two kittens.
Carrie Ann loves hearing from readers. You
can find her at:
Twitter: @CarrieAnnRyan
An Alpha’s Path
A Taste for a Mate
Trinity Bound

Reed Jamenson, the
artist of a werewolf Pack of Alpha males, knows instinctually that Hannah is
his mate. Thus, despite their imprisonment, he will do all to protect her and
then worry about their hearts. But is he strong enough to find a way for both
of them to escape? And why does he feel as though something else is missing?
Josh Kolb, an
ex-military human, stumbles upon Reed and Hannah and finds he must trust this
new world of supernatural beings to survive. But that desire will lead the
three to a triangle of attraction that will test the boundaries they all
possess and its consequences in defeating the enemy. Can they all trust one
another to save themselves and life as they know it? Even at the cost of their
own hearts?
Snowflakes stuck
to Josh’s eyelashes and he bat them away. A strong gust blew past him, the cold
chilling his bones. He surveyed his surroundings, taking a silent step through
the undergrowth. Tall trees reached to the sky, blocking whatever sunlight filtered
through the dreary storm clouds. Their limbs heavy with leaves and the extra
weight of collecting snow drooped down, dropping snow bundles on his shoulder
and in one unfortunate incident, his face. If only he could have Found these
two in the nice spring or cool fall months. No, he had to search for them in
the onset of winter and the beginning of what looked to be a deadly snow storm.
Lucky guy.
When he left his
bench on Main Street, he had quickly gone home to fetch some of his equipment.
He dressed warmer, grabbed a pack with extra clothes for Reed and the witch,
some food and water, and weapons. Lots of weapons. Knifes and blades of various shapes and sizes adorned his body. He had his SIG
strapped to his side, with extra ammo in his belt. Sadly he didn’t have any
silver, but lead would at least slow the beasts down if they came after him.
And they would.
Because as he followed the trail in his mind to this remote bunker, his sense
of unease swelled to a staggering sensation. Crap, he might not make it this time. He was but one man. One human
at that. But looking down at the lair that held two people that he needed to find, he set aside those
worries and the creeps it gave off. The two of them were more important – for
some unknown reason. And if anyone truly knew him, they would know that it was freaking
hard to give Josh the creeps. But he ignored those chills as well.